TYBMS Sem 6 ATKT Results 2014 to be declared soon!


exam results

Hello BMSites!

Mumbai University is likely to announce the results of TYBMS Sem 6 ATKT EXAMS which were conducted in the month of April 2014.

As per sources, the university declares the results in the mid of July 2014.

It is almost 63 days since the TYBMS exams got over and students are eagerly awaiting for their results. As per rule, MU should declare the results within 45 to 60 days after the last exam date of the course.


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  1. Could you please let me when will 6sem atkt results declear?
    July is over & aug will also come & end but this MU
    Fresher form will also go
    Kt people fill form next year

  2. hello sir, my last attempt to clear my sixth sem OR atkt was in 2012. I was not passed at date time…now I want to again apply to clear my kt after 2 years gap…wuld you plz help me regarding what extra formalities i have to go through….?

  3. Hi Team,
    Can you plz tell me when MU will declare the tybms 6 sem atkt result which was conducted on Nov 2014 …. as per MU it will be declare within 45 to 60 days of our exam date and its almost 60 days gone..

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