TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS 75:25 April 2015 Exam Results Declared on 17 July 2015



Mumbai University has declared the TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Results of 75-25 pattern on 17th July 2015 (night). Mumbai University had taken the said exam in April 2015 and nearly 10,000 students who had appeared for the exam were eagerly waiting for the results.

You need to check the below link to check your results.



All the best and congrats if you cleared TYBMS sem 6 final exams.

Please note:

TYBMS Sem 6 results are now available at http://mu.ac.in/portal/

You can also check the “Old website” to view your results – http://archive.mu.ac.in/

You can view your subject-wise marks at http://muexam.mu.ac.in/results/result_temp.php

The sequence of subjects are:

  • PP1. Entrepreneurship management
  • PP2. Operations Research
  • PP3. International Finance
  • PP4. IMTP
  • PP5. International Marketing
  • PP6. Retail Management
  • PP7. IAPM

If your results are showing “Lower grades not cleared” then you can wait for consolidated copy of the marksheet to come in your college and then send a letter to the university alongwith your lower examination result.

The goof up of BMS results is technical fault between results unit and MKCL. They will rectify in 2 days.



If you have any queries related to TYBMS Sem 6 results, feel free to comment on this post.

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  1. What if result not showing. Following is return when i entered my seat number
    Results for B.M.S. (Sem.-VI) (CBSGS) (75:25) held on APR 2015

    The result of seat number 1093494 is HELD IN RESERVE.

    What does this mean??

  2. What does result held in reserve due to provisional mean? I had a backlog in the fifth semester which got cleared in the revaluation results itself. It does not even say successful or unsuccessful. Your timely reply will be appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Dear Rahul, it might be a technical glitch or maybe MU might not have updated your results in its records. So don’t worry, as soon as you get your consolidated marksheet at your college, you will have a clear idea.

  3. When will be the next ATKT exam likely to be held for students who were unsuccessful in Sem 6 of BMS, that were declared on 17th April 2015.

  4. I have completed my BMS and currently working with JSW as EXIM consultant. I also want to pursue my further education while doing the job. But I am bit confuse for which course I should go for, which also suits for my carrier.

  5. Hi..I gave the exam for tybms sem 6 cbgs 60:40 ATKT for operations research on 16th April 2015…I can’t find any information related to its result date..all I can find is cbgs 75:25 ..can you please help me?

  6. I have cleared the interview and waiting for my report card as my offer letter is kept on hold.
    Also my online result states that I got A grade but my lower grades are not cleared even though I dont have even a kt in all 5 sems.
    So, when is my report card is expected and is there any other way through which I can show my marks to them before getting my report card???

  7. sir our college bms section result is showing held in reserved and the sir is saying that north mumbai colleges result is not uploaded yet
    is it is true
    plzz rply

  8. I got 62% in 6th sem of tybms bt i have 1 kt thats in iapm with 19 marks so if i go for revaluation thn if my makrs increases to 23 thn is it possible that i will get 7 marks grace?

  9. according to ur given link… there r only three course category given…that is…llb..b com. and ..b.e…..how can we see bms sem 6 detailed marks then??? :/

  10. I am all clear in 5th sem and in sem6 i have passed in all but got 22 in OR subject.and i played for university sports so is there any possibility of getting me the 10 grace marks or i should put in reval . What you think for 1 subject they will make me pass?

  11. I am all clear in 5th sem and in sem6 i have passed in all but got19 in OR subject.so if i go for revaluation thn if my makrs increases to 23 thn is it possible that i will get 7 marks grace?

    1. You will have to appear for atkt exams if revaluation results don’t get declared before the exams. Revaluation results takes around 45 days to 6 months and gets updated regularly in the university website.

  12. when will the consolidated marklist of the 6th sem be out is there any way i can get it early because i need it to show my company im cleared if so what are the proceedures??

  13. i had two kt in sem 6 OR and IF, i had studied well even my exam went real good. today i got to know my marks i have cleared my IF but i have got 21 in OR and that is so not acceptable i mean seriously i have no belief left on the people who all are correcting our papers i regret being a student of MU . its like i cant do anything about it now next thing would be i will be paying certain amount of money for reval then again ball will be in their court they will decide to “pass or to fail” whoaa whatta system i feel like abusing but they arent worth for that also

  14. Can you please add an update of when will the result of 6 sem been disclosed 75:25
    And another one is when will the result of atkt been released of 5 sem atkt

  15. Hi BMS team,

    Please help i want 6th 2015 result online printout i am not able to get result online i request You please help me bcz company wants online pass printout six sem i was cleared please help me asap my seat numbewr is 1098294

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