Hello TYBMSites!
Mumbai University has declared TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Results at its official website.
You can check your results in the following link :
After entering your seat number, you will get to know which grade you got.
TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS exams were conducted in April and May 2014. As per BMS.co.in prediction, results were to declared before 20th July 2014.
BMS.co.in congratulates all the BMS graduates for their exam results!
For any queries related to the results, please do check:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Of TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS Results 2013-14
is there a problem with the econometrics results?
it shows no such seat no
No such seat no.
Can anyone please help with this no such seat no thing
I got unsuccessful result.if it is internals kt does it show that is kt in internals?
will my whole year get wasted to clear that internals kt?
Mostly KT in internals happen if you don’t appear for the internal exams. If your results says “The seat number …….. is UNSUCCESSFUL” – It means YOU HAVE ATKT and you need to clear the ATKTs in your OCTOBER ATKT exams.
You will get to know if you failed in internals or externals as soon as the detailed mark lists come in college within a week
yes,i cleard bms graduation.All thanks to bms site for guiding us these 3years
yes.,finally I cleard bms
Successful held in Reserve due to Lower Examination not cleared. what s this i dont have any kt in 5sem.
same question my suffessful in reserve passed sem6 but kt in sem5
Results are normally held in reserve for the following reasons.
1. Non passing of lower examinations
2. Non receipt of Transfer / Eligibility Certificate
3. Non submission of First Degree certificate required for Masters Degree results etc.
Follow this link for more details – http://www.bms.co.in/procedure-for-declaration-of-results-held-in-reserve/
Lower examination means a KT in previous semester or KT in internals / projects
Showing no such seat no.
Same for all ICL college stdnts….
No such seat no.
Which colg r u from
Got unsuccessful. Don’t know how. Is this an error? Such Mistakes by the university can cause people problems until they are resolved
It may or may not be in this case. Don’t conclude that you are failed and Wait till results come in your hand/marklists arrive in your college within a week. It will show all the details.
my results showing unsuccesful but its impossible i knw i am passed and very confident about my results
It may or may not be true in this case. Don’t conclude that you are failed and Wait till results come in your hand/marklists arrive in your college within a week. It will show all the details.
any idea y it is coming as “no such seat no.”
finally im a graduate thank you jesus m soo happy
is it a system error for “no such seat no”
It means that YOUR RESULTS ARE STILL BEING UPDATED IN THE SERVER OR THERE IS SOME ERROR IN THE SERVER. Please wait till the consolidated marksheets arrive in your college max within 1 week.
No such seat no. 🙁
No such seat no.
No such seat no ….for icl colge vashi plz help us out soon
No such seat no for icles vashi
No such seat no for icles m j college vashi
No such seat no for icles m j college vashi help us
It means that YOUR RESULTS ARE STILL BEING UPDATED IN THE SERVER OR THERE IS SOME ERROR IN THE SERVER. Please wait till the consolidated marksheets arrive in your college max within a week.
atleast we can know pass or fail ….this problem is affecting mba admissions
wen are repeaters result of bms sem 6
Hi Vicky,
Please check http://mu.ac.in/res_comm.html. Results can be declared anytime
When are TYBMS marks going to be declared?
within a week from the exam results declaration date.
also,when will marksheet distribution take place?
marksheets distribution in 10-15 days
thankx BMS Co.com for your 3 year support & now i’m graduate with “A” grade
in OR many students failed because lengthy paper, they must give extra marks to all
last sem fm was from outside sylabus this sem or too lengthy. Seems university deliberately wants to destroy career of people and create tension
Oh, is it? We got to know that the paper checking this semester was very lenient.
results are not declared yet for icl clg vashi..
I heard that college havnt submitted the internal marks ..Is that true??..
Anyone can please update the exact status ??
In that case, the university might have issued a notice to the college to submit the internal marks within a week. If that’s done, then university will declare the results in a week or 2.
Hi bms team!
I am still waiting for tybms sem v(old) results. Its really been long long time. Can u guys tell us when can we expect this results. Its for ATKT that happened with sem v.
It can be expected in a week or 2. Please stay tuned to http://mu.ac.in/res_comm.html
I need to get my individual marksheet of tybms. May i knw which should i go for and how will i get it..???