TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Revaluation Result declared on 18 August 2014


Mumbai University has declared the revaluation results of 1 student of TYBMS sem 6 CBSGS batch on 18th August 2014.

Candidate can check the official notice at : revaltybmssem61908


1) The marks declared are marks obtains after revaluation in individual subject only for the
information of students.
2) Final revaluation result will be declared only after revaluation of all subjects applied for
3) Printing and supply of individual marksheets will be be only after completion of revaluation of all
the cases and caring out the amendments in the results as per provisions of the ordiances in force.
Ordinance 5048 is application for corrections.
4) Date of supply of mark sheets will be declared later.

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  1. When will the revaluation result will declare other students are also waiting for thier result…
    Please rpy…
    Its almost 20days are gone only one student reval result has come…
    Bcom reval result are coming so fast…
    Then why its getting too late for bms result…????

  2. hey.. i have applied for the reval of international finance appeard on may 2014. but in the list my seat has not been mentioned.even if i get fail in reval then also they should mention my seat no. on the list … plss help

  3. Whatever the results have come by now on the site do they include grace marks?
    I got 15 marks in my OR paper in sem 6th and after revaluation its showing I got 19 marks so does it include grace marks? Did I clear ATKT? Please help.

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