TYBMS Sem 6 Reference Books


Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises-
1) Dr. Vasant Desai, “Small scale industries and entrepreneurship”, Himalayan Publishing
2) Dr. Vasant Desai, “Management of small scale industries” , Himalayan Publishing House
3) J.C. Saboo,Megha Biyani, “Management of small scale industries”, Himalayan Publishing
4) Dr. Vasant Desai, “Dynamics of entrepreneurial development and Management”
,Himalayan Publishing House
5) Moharanas and Dash C.R., “Entrepreneurship development”, RBSA Publishing , Jaipure
6) Collins and Lazier W, “Beyond entrepreneurship”, Prentice Hall , New Jersey, 1992
7) Hisrich Peters Shephard, “Entrepreneurship”, Tata McGraw Hill
8 ) S. K. Mohanty, “Fundamentals of entrepreneurship” , Prentice Hall of India
9) David Oates, “A Guide to Entrepreneurship” , Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, Edn

Operations Research-
1) Taha H.A, “Operations Research – An introduction 6th Edition, Prentice – Hall of India
2) Kapoor V.K.,“Operations Research Techniques for Management 7th Edition”, Sultan
Chand & Sons
3) Kantiswarup,”Operations Research 9th Edition”, Gupta P.K. & Sultan Chand & Sons
4) Sharma S.D., “Operations Research” 8th Edition” ,Kedarnath, Ramnath & Company
5) Bronson R, “Operations Research 2nd Edition” ,Shaum’s Outline Series
6) Vora N.D., “Quantitative Techniques in Management 3rd Edition”, Tata McGraw Hill co.
7) Shreenath L.S.,PERT & CPM, “Principles & Applications 3rd Edition”, Affiliated East-West
Press Pvt. Ltd.
8 ) Wagener H.M., “Principles of Operations Research. 2nd Edition”, Prentice – Hall of India
9) Sasieni M, “Operations Research – Methods & Problems 1st Edition”, Yaspan A & John
Wiley & Sons Friedman L
10) Natrajan, Balasubramani, Tamilarasi, “Operations Research”, Pearson Education – ISBN
11) G. Hadley, “Linear Programming”, Narosa Book Distributors Private Ltd
12) L.C. Jhamb, “Quantitative Techniques (For Managerial Decisions VOL I)”, Everest
Publishing House, Pune.
13) Paul Loomba N “Linear Programming”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd
14) Aditham B. Rao “Operations Research”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, Edn 2008.

International Finance-
1. Adrian Buckley – “Essential International Money” (Pearson Education)
2. Adrian Buckley – “International Finance” (Pearson Education)
3. Alan Shapiro – “Foundations of Multinational Finance” (Wiley)
4. Alan Shapiro – “Multinational Financial Management” (Wiley)
5. B.K.Chaudhuri, O.P.Agarwal – “A Text book of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange” (
Himalaya Publishing House)
6. C. Jeevanandam – “A brief course in Foreign Exchange Arithmetic” (Sultan Chand & Sons)
7. C. Jeevanandam – “Foreign Exchange and Risk Management” (Sultan Chand & Sons)
8. C. Jeevanandam – “Foreign Exchange Practice, concepts and Control” (Sultan Chand & Sons)
9. G. Shailaja – “International Finance” ( Universities Press , Hyderabad)
10. Geert Bekaert & Robert Hodrick – “International Financial Management” (Pearson
11. John C. Hull – “Options, futures and other derivatives” ( Prentice Hall, India)
12. Lucio Sarno & Mark Taylor – “The Economics of Exchange Rates” (Cambridge University
13. Madhu Vij – “International Financial Management” ( Excel Books, New Delhi)
14. Maurice D. Levi – “International Finance” (Routledge, London)
15. Michael Moffet, Arthur Stonehill & David Eiteman – “Fundamentals of Multinational Finance”
(Pearson Education)
16. P.G.Apte – “International Financial Management” (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi)
17. Peter Rosenstreich – “Forex Revolution: An Insider’s Guide to the Real World of Foreign
Exchange Trading” (Pearson Education)
18. Prakash G. Apte – “International Finance – A Business perspective” (Tata McGraw Hill, New
Rajwade A.V – “Foreign Exchange, International Finance, Risk Management” (Academy of
Business studies, New Delhi)
20. Rupnarayan Bose – “ Fundamentals of International Banking” ( Macmillan India Ltd., New
21. Steve Anthony – “Foreign Exchange in Practice” (Palgrave McMillan)
22. Thomas J. O’Brien – “International Financial Economics: Corporate Decisons in Global
Markets” (Oxford University Press)
23. V.A.Avadhani – “International Finance” ( Himalaya Publishing House)
24. Vikash Yadav – “Risk in International Finance” (Routledge)
25. Vyuptakesh Sharan – “International Financial Management” ( PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New

Indian Management Thoughts and Practices-
1) S. K. Chakraborthy, “Management by Values”, Oxford Press
2) Rao M. & Rao S., “Management Theory” , Kanishka Publishers Distributor
3) P. K. Ghosh, (Edt) “Indian Ethos in Management” IPR Cell, TePP. Outreach Centre
4) S. Balachandran and others, “Ethics, Indian Ethos and Management”, Shroff
Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.

International Marketing-
1) Justin Paul, “International Business”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
2) Francis Cherunilam, “International Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3) Varshney RI, Bhattacharya B “International Marketing Management- An Indian
Perspective”, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
4) P. K. Vasudeva, “International Marketing”, Excel Books, New Delhi.
5) Cateora and Philip, “International Marketing (SIE), Tata Mc Graw Hill.
6) Abbas J. Ali, “Globalisation of Business” , Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 3rd Edn, 2009.

Retail Management –
1. Michael Levy & Barton A Weitz, “Retailing Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Gibson C Vedamani, “Retailing Management”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Jim, “Retail Strategies- understanding why we shop”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
4. Dunne Lusch, “Retail Management”, south western Cengage Learning
5. K.S. Menon, “Store Management”, Macmillan India Ltd.,
6. Keith Lincoln & Lars Thomassen, “How to succeed at Retail”
7. Keith Lincoln, Lars Thomessen & Anthony Aconis, “Retailization- Brand survival in
the age of retailer Power”, Kogan Page Ltd.,
8. Swapna Pradhan, “Retailing Management – Text and Cases”, 3rd Edn, Tata Mc Graw
9. Bajaj, Tulli & Shrivastava, “Retail Management” , Oxford University Press
10. Kishore Biyani, “It happens in India”,& “ The Wall Mart Story”
11. Store Manager, Organiser / Planner- DMS retail
12. Dr. RamKishen Y. “International Retail Marketing Strategies”, Jaico Publishing House,

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management-
1. Prasanna Chandra, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” , Tata McGraw Hill
2. Prasanna Chandra, ”Financial Management” , Tata McGraw Hill
3. Ravi Kishor, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Taxman Publishers
4. Khan & Jain, “Financial Management”, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Hirt and Block, “Fundamentals of Investment Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Edn 2009.
6. Robert A. Strong, “Portfolio Management Handbook”, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
Edn 2008.
7. Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J Marcus, Pitabas Mohanty, “Investments”, Tata Mc Graw Hill

1. William Greene, “Econometric Analysis”, Pearson Education (ISBN 978-81-7758-684-8).
2. Damodar N. Gujarati Basic Econometrics –– Mc Graw – Hill Book Co.
3. Jack Johnston & John Dinardo, “Econometric Methods” (Fourth Edition), Mc Graw – Hill
International Edition.
4. Carl. F. Christ, “Econometric Models & Methods”, Wiley Eastern Pvt Ltd.
5. Meghnad Desai, “Applied Econometrics”, TMH Edition.
6. Hamdy A. Taha, “Operations Research (An Introduction)”, Prentice Hall, India.
7. G.S. Maddala, “Introduction to Econometrics”, Wiley
8. Charles. R. Frank (JR), “Statistics & Econometrics”, Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
9. Lawrence R. Klein, “A textbook of Econometrics”, PHI
10. David S. Huang,“Regression & Econometric Methods”, Wiley Series I Probability and
Mathematical Statistics.

Other References-

International Marketing – Vipul Prakashan

Indian Management Thoughts and Practices – Author Ghatak

Entrepreneurship – Himalaya Publications


(Starting, Development and Managing a new enterprise)

– written by

Robert.D.Hisrich and Michael.P. Peters

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