TYBMS Sem 6 Results 2013 are declared on 20th June 2013


Dear TYBMSites!


Your long wait is over…. Results of TYBMS Sem 6 are declared!


You can check the results at http://results.mu.ac.in/choose_nob.php?exam_id=2978&exam_year=2013&exam_month=APR

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  1. my result is showing that it is in reserve due not cleared the lower sem but i got cleared in reval plzzzzz reply me any one as soon as possible

  2. i got failed in 6th sem..so how much % will they count if i cleared in atkt exam?
    as i want go for mba which require minimum 50%..plz help out

  3. But till now our revaluation result marksheet is not submitted to us..so widout 5th sem new marksheet how can I show dat I m passed …coz in d old one I hv kt…so I need d new marksheet ……so wat m I suppose to do ..coz wen I used to ask my sir abt d result he used to say ayega to inform karege….but ab tak no information….dis is really frustrating….help plzzz

  4. I failed in OR as I got only 10 in it but in the rest of the subjects I cleared with decent marks and the overall percentage of this sem comes up to around 64%. Should I give that paper for revaluation? What are the chances of getting it cleared by the university? please reply.

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