TYBMS Sem 6 Revaluation Results 2012 (List 7)


Revaluation Results of  TYBMS Sem 6 (Revised) exams are declared.

The Seventh List of  TYBMS students is displayed.

Check out the 7th list at http://mu.ac.in/revaluation/revalfh12/revalbms61509.pdf

Marks after revaluation and amendment in result is in process and will be communicated to the respective colleges soon.

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  1. my seat number is 1024 and i have send my paper for revaluation but havent received any details plz help me out. i m really worried about my result.

  2. my seat number is 1024 and i have send my paper for revaluation but havent received any details plz help me out. i m really worried about my result. plz let me know wen will i cum to know my marks.

  3. Hi. I didn’t collect my 6th sem revaluation result from the university last year itself but I need it now. They’re asking for a copy of the pdf sheet of the list that contains my index number but every time I try opening the page, it says I do not have “permission to access this page”. What do I do? I really need to collect my mark sheet.

    Also, just to confirm – do I collect it from my college or from Mumbai university?

    Please help.

  4. my 6th sem exam held in 2012 in sem vi i got kt,so i fill kt form also give paper for revaluation.after appeard kt exam i got revaluation result as pass.so i got result as pass class????plz help me dt to result is in writing format

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