TYBMS Sem 6 Revised ATKT November 2014 Exam Seating Arrangement


TYBMS Sem 6 Revised ATKT November 2014 Exam Seating Arrangement

You can check the official circular here : http://www.mu.ac.in/sa/sa_B.M.S.%20(Sem.VI).pdf

Don’t miss to check:

sa_B.M.S. (Sem.VI)-page-001 (486x800) sa_B.M.S. (Sem.VI)-page-002 (486x800) sa_B.M.S. (Sem.VI)-page-003 (486x800) sa_B.M.S. (Sem.VI)-page-004 (486x800)





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  1. Hi i would like to know how many KTs are allowed in TYBMS sem 6.Lets say i got 2 Kts in sem 6 then then i reappeared for the exam then i got kt again like this how many time can i reappear for sem 6 exams before i get Drop?

  2. I have given sem 6 revised exam in April 2014, but got kt, and I want to give again for April 2015 attempt, the problem is that the form of den 6 is revised is not available with the college and m getting late for same, may I know from whr i will get sem 6 form ? Or I can get from university ? Any contact no. Of univeristy ? Please help me out, badly stuck in this situation, thank you.

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