TYBMS Sem 6 Solved Papers Of International Marketing



International Marketing is a compulsory theory subject in TYBMS Sem 6 which has 15 marks concepts, 15 marks case study as compulsory questions in Section I and 3 long answer questions for 10 marks each in Section II. The subject was introduced from 2012 in Sem 6 as per revised syllabus.

International Marketing covers 4 units – 

  • Unit I – Introduction to IM : definition, features, advantages, difference between domestic and international marketing, basis of international trade, international business environment, external factors affecting international trade.
  • Unit II – Product packaging and distribution : functions, factors, criteria, role of IIP, export marketing, factors influencing distribution channels and types of foreign intermediaries.
  • Unit III – Pricing Policy in international markets : factors determining price, elements of cost, export costing methods, export pricing strategies, break even pricing, impact of contract conditions on export price offers, INCOTERMS, Government initiatives, impact of export incentives on export pricing.
  • Unit IV – Overseas market selection : Methods of market entry, identification of potential markets, market selection process, preliminary screening of probable markets, market segmentation etc.

In the past years’ university exams, conceptual questions from Unit I and Unit II has been asked often and case study is based on global market environment, market segmentation i.e. Unit II, III and IV.

Section II i.e. long answer questions have been asked from Unit III and IV.

Most expected questions in the upcoming 2014 exams are:

  • Concepts – Blanket permit, break even point, carting order, CIF, certificate of origin, core product, dumping, duty drawback, export marketing, FOB price, foreign trade, indirect exporting, international dumping, letter of credit, product life cycle, star export houses.
  • Short Notes questions can be asked on NAFTA, ASEAN, EU, trading blocs, WTO, FDI, IIP, functions of packaging.
  • Long type questions expected are from – International marketing -definition, features – export pricing strategies, direct and indirect exporting, methods of entry in foreign markets, different types of tariff and non-tariff barriers, problems that demotivate business firms to enter into foreign markets, merits and demerits of MNCs.

Students can check the solutions of the past solved papers below:

  1. International Marketing Mumbai University April 2011 Exam Solved Answer Paper
  2. International Marketing Mumbai University October 2011 Exam Solved Answer Paper
  3. International Marketing Mumbai University April 2012 Exam Solved Answer Paper
  4. International Marketing Mumbai University October 2012 Exam Solved Answer Paper
  5. International Marketing Sample Paper 1 Solved Answer Paper
  6. International Marketing Sample Paper 2 Solved Answer Paper
  7. International Marketing Sample Paper 3 Solved Answer Paper
  8. International Marketing Sample Paper 4 Solved Answer Paper

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