TYBMS Sem 6 Subjects Analysis


1) Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises is a Theory Subject wherein you would learn about Entrepreneurial Development and Small-Medium Enterprises. You need to focus more on Practical examples on Entrepreneurship and the current trends in Business.

2) Indian Management Thoughts and Practices is a Theory Subject wherein you would learn about Indian ethos, Spirituality, Personality, Society and how the philosophies of IMTP are inter-related with Business.

3) Operations Research is a Practical Subject wherein you have 80% sums and 20% theory. Sums would be based on Linear Programming, Transportation, Assignment, Network Analysis. You require lots of practice for this subject and most of the students get a KT in this subject due to lack of practice as it can’t be mugged at the last time but it is a scoring subject as well.

4) International Finance is a Practical Cum Theory Subject wherein you have 60% theory and 40% practical sums.  It is based on Foreign Exchange Markets, Interest rates, Arbitrage, Fundamentals of International Finance and includes the study of futures, options and currency swaps. It has been seen most of the students get KT in IF too because this subject deals with terminologies which are difficult to understand and can’t be written easily without understanding.

5) Retail Management is an Elective Paper which is a Theory Subject wherein you have topics like Retail Strategies, Merchandise Management, Store Management. You can relate the sales promotion with public relation, inventory management, customer relationship, business ethics, retail brand management, business communication, management and organizational behavior, quantitative methods in retailing.

6) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management is an Elective Paper which is Theory cum Practicals. It is a new subject introduced to BMS course this year and one would learn more about Investment, Portfolio, Valuation of Equity and Debenture and Risk and Return.

7) Econometrics is an Elective Paper which is Practical Subject. It combines economic theory with statistics to analyze and test economic relationships. Theoretical econometrics considers questions about the statistical properties of estimators and tests, while applied econometrics is concerned with the application of econometric methods to assess economic theories.

8 ) International Marketing is a Theory subject but involves lots of Practical examples and you learn about International Business Environment, Pricing, Packaging, Distribution, Overseas Market Trends.

In TYBMS Sem 6, one has 4 Theory subjects i.e. International Marketing, Indian Management Thoughts and Practices, Entrepreneurship, Retail Management and 2 Practical Subjects like International Finance, Operations Research and there are 2 Elective Papers i.e. Econometrics, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management.

If you are not good in Practicals, go for Coaching classes for International finance, Econometrics, Operations Research. Or else, we are always here to help with some doubts. 😉 But these subjects are scoring and requires constant practice. And for Theory subjects, you need not depend on any Textbooks, google on various terms used in the theory subjects and learn more about it. More than theoretical knowledge, you require practical examples which would be updated soon on BMS.co.in 🙂

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