TYBMS Student complains to INDIA TV about the Delay of Results!


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From: mail <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 4:18 PM
Subject: Re:Still waiting for TYBMS 2011 result

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* Subject Still waiting for TYBMS 2011 result
* Add description Mumbai University TYBMS result has not being declared yet whereas as per the Maharastra University act 1994 para 72 university is bound to declare the result with in 45 days from the last date of examination conducted or if its unable to do so then it shall atleast declare the notification for delay wheras it seems that mumbai university had the habbit of keeping student on wait from past couple of year.Last BMS paper was being conducted on 6 april 2011 but still no clue for result even though Mumbai University Officials have pretended to go public through newspapers, websites etc that they were supposed to declare TYBMS Sem 6 Results 2011 by 15th July 2011 then why didn’t they follow their words…. ????I urge India TV to atleast help 10,000 BMSites like me who are living in frustration & Tension, because of this laid-back attitude and Worst time management of Mumbai Universities we can’t pay attention or concentrate on any work because we are not well informed. It becomes difficult to fetch jobs or take up higher education unless we have the Graduation degree.

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