TYBMS Viva Preparation: 5 Quick Tips by Prof. Parveen Nagpal


 1) Know the content of your project. Read it well.

2) Be confident and dress formally which adds on the confidence.

3) Try maintaining eye contact with the examiner. Again this shows you are confident.

4) Try doing company visit and put evidence of the same.

5) Carry few copies of answered questionnaires along during viva and talk about primary data collection.

Prepare executive summary and speak about the project such that there is no scope for examiner to cross question.

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Parveen Nagpal
Prof. Parveen Nagpal has done M.Com with management in the year 2002; did M. Ed and then MHRDM from METs Institute of Management and recently cleared PET in commerce. She is the BMS Coordinator of M.L. Dahanukar College and loves to teach Marketing/ Retail Management, HRM and other General Management subjects.


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