TYBMS Viva Preparation: Quick Tips by Prof. Abhijeit Bhosale


1) Remember the examiner is sitting there to check if you know why you have selected that project topic.

2) Even if the examiner grills you, don’t show lack of confidence because at the the end of the day, you will be marked well.

3) Don’t lie about primary data which you have not collected on your own.

4) Know your project contents well. If you have copy-pasted it, know its sources.

5) Be aware of any current affairs related to your topic.

6) Lastly, just chill and relax. You are not on war-front. If you don’t know anything, just say “I am sorry but I am not aware of it.” Also you can start talking like this “I don’t know this but I can talk about… ”


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Abhijeit Bhosale
Prof. Abhijeit Bhosale has teaching experience of 7 years and currently works as a faculty at SIES College. He teaches subjects like SSF, International Finance, Portfolio Management, Forex markets, Derivative markets, risk management, mutual funds, advanced financial management, fixed income instruments, corporate finance, derivative markets and also for CMAT, CAT and CET.


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