Time to pull up your socks – viva voce season begins
- When you have submitted your thesis life can seem a little easy, congratulate yourself for successful completion of project report. It’s your hard work which should be appreciated by yourself first. You at first should be confident of your research work only than you will convince the external examiner during viva voce.
- Viva voce is oral examination, like any other examination, you need to revise and prepare for it thoroughly.
- Three WH questions to keep in mind are
I. Who will be present during viva?
II. What will happen during viva?
III. What to prepare for viva?
Answer to the above questions
I. Who will be present during viva?
- For most candidates, an internal and an external examiner will be present. Both will have read your thesis in depth before they meet with you
II. What will happen during viva?
- You will be allowed to take your own copy of the thesis into the viva.
- The examiners need to establish that you know the area in which your study is located, that you are the author of the work that you have presented and that you have made an original contribution to your knowledge
- A viva typically may take less time, and sometimes takes more time. A long viva does not necessarily mean that you are to demonstrate the quality of your research. It could be your examiners are drilling your expertise and study.
III. What to prepare for viva?
- Know your thesis inside out
- Familiarise yourself with the literature that you have referred to in your thesis
- Produce a summary of what your thesis is about
- Refer synopsis
Practicing For The Viva
There are various techniques
- Ask your faculty/guide to help you solve your queries
- Ask your friend/colleague to help you
- Ask your colleague who have successfully gone through viva voce
- Mock viva voce
Tips for Viva Voce
I. Be prepared
II. Be well presented
III. Stay calm
IV. Listen carefully
V. Don’t answer simply ’yes’ or ’no’
VI. Be prepared to justify your ideas
VII. Don’t be overly worried that some parts of the exam were really difficult- it is only by pushing you to your limits that the examiner can determine your ability.
Life is what you make it; make it simple not complicated, stay calm enjoy every bit of learning- “Happy Viva”.