TYBMS Viva Preparation: Quick Tips by Prof. Ashwini Deosthali


Frequently asked questions in project vivas are:

1) Why you selected this project topic?

2) How many times you had been to the industry and how long was the procedure?

3) What problems were faced in data collection?

4) How did you arrive to this kind of data analysis?

5) What is your research methodology and research process?

2-3 theory questions can also be asked on your topic and the viva lasts for generally 15 minutes and not more than that. If you are preparing a PPT, make sure that you are able to answer whatever is included and why you have included those topics in the PPT.

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Ashwini Deosthali
Prof. Ashwini Deosthali is the BMS coordinator of Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri. She has completed MBA, M.com, SET and works in teaching profession from 12 years. Her specialization is Marketing Management.


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