Types Of Consumer Involvement


Types Of Consumer Involvement:


The two types of involvement are:

A) Situation

B) Enduring


Involvement has various facets of consumer behaviour such as search for information, information processing, and information transmission. Situational Involvement Situational involvement is temporary and refers to emotional feelings of a consumer, experiences in a particular situation when one thinks of a specific product.




A. Situational Involvement:  Situational involvement is temporary and refers to emotional feelings of a consumer, experiences in a particular situation when one thinks of a specific product.


B.  Enduring Involvement: Enduring involvement is persistent over time and refers to feelings experienced toward a product category across different situations. For example, holiday- makers renting a resort for their trip are highly involved in their choice, but their involvement is temporary. Whereas involvement of a person whose hobby is bike racing endures overtime and affects his responses in any situation related to pre-purchase, purchase and post- purchase of sport bikes. It is observed that involvement is triggered by special situation in the case of holiday makers, but in the second case, in comes from, and is a part of the consumer. The contrast between situational and enduring involvement is important. When marketers measure involvement they examine the extent to which it can be induced by the product or selling situation. After noticing the type of involvement the y are facing, marketers work to control products or selling situations.




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