Udaan 2013 Events Schedule


UDAAN’13 – Realm of Passionate The Indian Saga is an inter collegiate fest which is to be held on 17th ,18th ,19th January 2013 by the students, teaching and non-teaching staff of Shankar Narayan College of Professional Courses, Bhayandar.

UDAAN- the most awaited fest is entering into its 8th successful year which is the result of hard work , team work , co-operation & co-ordination of BMS, IT, BBI, BAF, CS & BFM departments of Shankar Narayan college.

Udaan gives a perfect platform to the students of various colleges to exhibit their talent in fields of MASTERMINDS (MANAGEMENT),SPORTS, DANCE & DRAMATICS ,FINE ARTS, TECHNOKRAFTS, GAMING & UDAAN MANIA so fasten your seat belts for a learning & entertaining experience of your life. Its “U”, its “D”, its “A” “A” “N”-

UDAAN consists of 5 Departments as follows :

Our new innovations for this season are that some of the events will be performed on Open ground. There are many new sub-events added for this season. Udaan is fun,Hungama altogetherFungama.



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