Uday Kotak Is World Entrepreneur Of The Year By EY’s.



It’s a good news for India and the people of kotak group.

Ernst & Young has named Kotak Mahindra Bank Executive Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Uday Kotak its ‘world entrepreneur of the year’ for 2014

As the award was announced in Monaco at Saturday, Kotak was selected among the 60 finalists from 51 countries, each of them names “Entrepreneur of the year” in their respective countries.

Kotak is the second Indian winner of this award after Infosys fter Infosys founder N R Narayana Murthy in 2003.

Just Energy Group Founder & Executive Chair Rebecca MacDonald, who was chairing the judges’ panel, said: “It was an incredibly tough decision but Uday shone through for the way he created, in a challenging and highly regulated environment, a new bank that has a positive impact on the community.

“We were impressed with his strong focus on inclusive growth, providing low-cost services to rural customers. These have a tangible impact on people’s lives.”

Kotak said: “The most important thing about entrepreneurship is having conviction. “Once you are convinced you have a business model and are committed to superior execution, the rest follows. . . Chase a dream and, even more importantly, execute that dream.”





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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


  1. He’s a true man with great vision great some good stuff coming up on this site in the business section… The writing is short and impressive….

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