Unique, Cool and Odd Jobs right after Graduation


After completion of graduation, you may want to explore different career avenues and there are better lucrative job options available in the job market.


Here is quick list of unique jobs which you can opt after your graduation:

1) Marketing and Sales :

Fresh graduates can opt for marketing and sales jobs in executive position at various companies like retail, food and beverage, manufacturing, IT and other verticals. Telemarketing and social media has also developed rapidly which can provide you attractive remuneration in the form of salary, commissions and allowance.

2) Web Design / Animation :

In this fast-paced technological environment, you can choose to become a computer programmer, operator, software professional, web designer and animator.

3) Journalism :

Mass media has grown rapidly with increased number of media houses in India. It is an exciting field where graduates can take up the jobs in the form of reporter, correspondent, columnist, anchor etc.

4) Social work:

If you want to contribute something to the society and also make your earning, then this is a promising career option to work in NGO and and be a part of the change.

5) Library Science:

You can join in museums, private libraries, art galleries,  media and publishing houses if you have attained a degree course in Library Science.

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