Unknown Facts about Toyota



Most people know that Toyota is a major Japanese car manufacturing company and is one of the largest car manufacturers in the planet, Toyota has been successful from many years and it is a company also known for helping the society, but there are few people who know some awesome facts about Toyota. Here are a few amazing facts of Toyota:


Toyota was actually named as Toyoda, but the spelling was changed to Toyota because in a Japanese script it takes 8 strokes to spell it and according to east asian culture, 8 is a lucky number.


As of 2013 Toyota Corolla sells cars every 27 seconds, which makes it one of the fastest selling cars.


In last 20 years, Toyota has donated more than half a billion dollars and also donated $500 a year to employees who spend volunteer hours.


Australia is the first country to import Toyota and every one out of 5 cars is said to be a Toyota.


Company was started as automated looms manufacturer and all the profits from this business was used for car manufacturing. Toyota is still there in the textile industry.


Toyota Prius has been sold in more than 70 countries. Toyota is a major hybrid car seller and the US and the world.

–         Jainam Jhaveri

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