Update: MU Has Released The Scores Of BMS Sem 6 CBSGS 75:25 Pattern At Its Results Website



When TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS 75:25 results were declared on 17th July 2015 on the old website of Mumbai University, there was a lot of confusion and frustration among the students.

More than 10,000 students had attempted the Sem 6 exams which were conducted in April 2015 and were eagerly waiting for the results to be declared as they had their plans to pursue post graduation or take up a job. But Mumbai University delayed their plans by declaring the results with technical errors.

Majority of the students couldn’t celebrate their graduation success as they were unaware what does “The seat number is SUCCESSFUL held in reserve due to lower examination not cleared” mean. While students who had ATKT in their previous semesters did get an idea that it may be due to the marks of their previous semester not updated in Mumbai University website, others including the toppers were worried that they never had any KT issue and always used to get good scores or grades in their previous semesters then how come the results are reserved and which lower exam is the Mumbai University highlighting in the results.

It has been more than a week since the results were declared first and Mumbai University has already declared the BMS Sem 6 CBSGS 75:25 results thrice on its old and new website. See the below screenshots:

1) Old Website (http://archive.mu.ac.in/res_comm.html)


2) New Website (http://mu.ac.in/portal/results/)

results 2

Few days back, Mumbai University released the scores / marks of BMS Sem 6 CBSGS results at the below website:


Students thought the new system of displaying marks online is a boon but they were proved wrong as these results also had technical glitches.

Mumbai University displayed the results with lack of information on internal marks. The internal marks of many college students were not correctly reflected on the Mumbai University site as entered by the college staff.

After a depressing week for the TYBMS students and faculties, it was discovered that the goof up of BMS results was a technical fault between results unit and MKCL and they are expected to rectify the results in few days. Colleges have now got an additional task of sending a mail to university confirming that internal marks and lower exam results are sent on time.

While the university’s controller of exams blames that the colleges have failed to upload the marks and vice-versa, at the end of the day it is the poor TYBMS students of 2014-15 who have suffered.

@TYBMS students, please consider this as a part and parcel of your management course. Stop dwelling over this traumatic experience and get over it as soon as possible. 

We hope that the university corrects the errors in internal marks before printing the consolidated marksheets and updates the results website (http://muexam.mu.ac.in/results/result_temp.php)

with corrected marks soon so that students can atleast take a printout of the same and submit it to the concerned parties for the time being to the masters admission or companies.

Update on 27th July 2015:

Mumbai University has updated the marksheets and displayed it online at its results website. TYBMS students can check their marks online and maybe take a printout of the same for future reference.

Also the marksheets are expected in BMS colleges after 15 days.

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  1. Sir why haven’t you mentioned about errors in external exam marks…?? People who always scored good and have never has a kt have failed in OR! What’s wrong with that? Our 1 year will be wasted for no reason!

  2. new scores have been updated after they had been taken down, however still my gpa of previous sems has been entered wrong 🙁
    what do i have to do now?

  3. thank you soomuch will inform college immediately!!
    for rectification do i need to go to the university or only informing the college is enough??

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