UPPGMET 2015 Exam Important Dates, Paper Pattern, Eligibility Criteria




Important dates:
UPPGMET-2015 forms will be available from October 20, 2014 and can be filled using the website of Uttar Pradesh Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association.
The examination will be conducted on January 10, 2015.

Paper Pattern:

There will be 250-objective type, multiple-choice questions.
The UPPGMET-2015 will consist of a maximum 250 marks.
Minimum cut-off pass percentage of marks in UPPGMET-2015 shall be 50% (40% in case of SC/ST/OBC) and merit shall be determined on the basis of marks secured in UPPGMET-2015. There will be negative marks of 1/4 for each wrong answer.
More than one answer marked in OMR answersheet will also be considered wrong answer.

How to apply:

Candidates can download the application form from the official website of Uttar Pradesh Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association.
It can also be obtained from the cash counters of the participating colleges.

Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must have completed MBBS course from an institute recognised by the Medical Council of India. They should have completed the internship before April 1, 2015. Candidates must have their registration with the State Medical Council/Medical Council of India.


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