UPSEE Exam Form April 2014 Submission Procedure


exam form filling

UPSEE 2014

The entrance examination for degree level engineering institutions and other professional colleges has been assigned to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Further, the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Technical Education Department, has consented for the constitution of Central Admission Board (CAB) under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow to supervise and control the State Entrance Examination herein after referred as UPSEE-2014 being conducted by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. The CAB has absolute rights for conducting UPSEE-2014, and to decide about modalities of admissions and allotment of seats. The jurisdiction of CAB extends to colleges / institutes affiliated to GBTU, Lucknow and MTU, Noida. The CAB is authorised to take every decision regarding conduct and admissions through UPSEE-2014.

The entrance exam is scheduled to be held on April 20 for students who have applied for engineering exam whereas April 27 for students who have applied for MBA and MCA programmes.

The application procedures are mentioned below:

1. Offline applications: The candidates can purchase the application forms through any post office in the month of March. The general candidates can buy it for an amount of Rs 1, 000, whereas OBC/ SC / ST candidates and female candidates can buy it for an amount of Rs 500. The duly filled application form is required to be sent to “Registrar, UPSEE 2014, Gautama Buddha Technical University, I.E.T. Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P.” through registered post/ speed post.

2. Online applications: The candidates can also fill the applications online. They can visit the official website and fill in the forms. The candidates are required to download the e-challan while filling the UPSEE 2014 application form. After the form is filled, the candidates should take out two print-outs of the same. A black and white passport size photograph needs to be fixed on the form, also a thumb impression needs to be added and the signatures are to be placed. Every application form is assigned a unique registration number and candidates need to save and keep this number which would help them to check/track the acceptance of their application.

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