Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board which conducted the Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test – UPTET on 22nd February 2014 has released the UPTET 2014 tentative answer key on its official website – http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in/answrKEY/Instruction.htm
Candidates having any sort of discrepancies relating to questions/incorrect keys could send email to [email protected]. on or before 6th March 2014 (Time : 06.00 pm)
Representations of candidates received after the stipulated date will not be entertained.
Candidates are requested to file their complaint/s regarding released answer only to the above-mentioned E-mail ID.
Candidates have to provide proof for the error found in the answer key; else will not be considered.
Candidates have to mention their complaint in the following format such as:
S.No, Answer Key Serial No, Question No, Correct answer as per the candidate and proof for the answer.
For more details candidates may visit the official website at http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in