The Journey Of A Successful Social Media Intern – Vanita Godwani


 Vanita Godwani

1)      Tell us about yourself?

I am a BMS STUDENT studying at Jai Hind college, I am usually very active on social media and this is my first internship. My friend told me about the internship and I was really excited for the same. The journey was amazing and inspirational.

2)      How was the experience of working as a “Social Media” intern at Any key learnings?

It was a very good experience learning all different types of  social media marketing
as it helps to grow the business further.  It was a experiential and interesting learning experience. The key learning of the internship was that one should work regularly according to the tasks given in a desired time and complete them up-to the deadline date.

3)      What do you mean by leadership? Tell us about a time / describe a situation when you have proved you have better leadership skills in the internship programme.

Leadership is a quality to take up responsibilities and complete your tasks efficiently. The situation in the internship when I was told to conduct a competition was where I think my leadership skills were used the most. I planned and executed a writing contest in my college successfully with the help of my friends and faculties and received 31 entries in a week’s time.

4)      What are the most important values you demonstrate as a Social Media Correspondent intern of

Socially active, maintaining good relation with your peers, having leadership skills, being polite and humble with people in the society are some of the most important values required to be a social media correspondent intern of

5)      What is the most difficult part of being a Social Media Correspondent intern at

Being a social media correspondent, there are some difficulties that come in your way while communicating with people and implementing the work you are given but one can adopt the right measures, plan the work properly and do it. When I started with the interviews task, I thought gathering contacts and details of people, sending them emails and getting their interviews is a difficult task, but honestly speaking, I achieved my given targets within the timeframe allotted just because of consistency and never give up attitude.

6)      What is your greatest strength and weakness as a leader?

My greatest strength of being a leader is I like completing all my given work on time.
My weakness is that I cannot be strict or order a person to do his /her work.

7)      What are your favourite books? (if any)

All fictional books

8)      Favourite films?

Bollywood films, fact revealing films

9)   Favourite Music?

Bollywood and Hollywood music

10)   Give us 3 “Good to know” facts about you?

I do my work in the prescribed time.
I believe in quality work than quantity work.
Hard working nature

11)   What next after the internship programme?

Interning with OLX company next and further I want to do my internship in a multinational company where I want to experience how actual work is done in a office. In my future life I want to succeed being a honest and good high post official.

12)   What changes would you like to bring in the internship programme?

The programme is well designed. I don’t think there should be any changes.

13)   Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming interns of

I have learnt a lot from this experience. Being competitive, hard working, enthusiastic in doing your work, excelling in your performance
My message to all interns of is that keep working to make our website more popular and updated.


Interviews taken by Vanita Godwani:

BMS Course:

  1. Interview with Dr. Rakhi Sharma, BMS Coordinator, Jai Hind College
  2. Interview with Prof. Shilpa Jaiprakash More, Faculty (BAF, BBI, BMS, BFM), Jai Hind College
  3. Interview with Manil S Dodani, FYBMS CR, Jai Hind College
  4. Interview with Geetika Chaudhary, FYBMS CR, Jai Hind College
  5. Interview with Manil S Dodani, FYBMS Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  6. Interview with Megha Choudhary, FYBMS Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  7. Interview with Manisha Khubchandani, FYBMS Topper, Jai Hind College
  8. Interview with Karan Shah, FYBMS Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  9. Interview with Shrisha Rai, FYBMS Student, Jai Hind College
  10. Interview with Mansi Makhija, FYBMS Student, Jai Hind College
  11. Interview with Nisha Ahuja, FYBMS Student, Jai Hind College

 BAF Course:

  1. Interview with Aayush Bhansali, FYBAF Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  2. Interview with Aayushi Shah, FYBAF Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  3. Interview with Punit Punjabi, FYBAF Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  4. Interview with Shreya Rai, FYBAF Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  5. Interview with Punit Punjabi, FYBAF CR, Jai Hind College
  6. Interview with Afreen Sharif, FYBAF CR 2015, Jai Hind College
  7. Interview with Gurnasinghani Sahil, FYBAF Student, Jai Hind College
  8. Interview with Sharanya Prabhakaran, FYBAF Student, Jai Hind College
  9. Interview with Prof. Rohan Kargaonkar, BAF & BMS Faculty, Jai Hind College

 BBI Course:

  1. Interview with Prabha Sinha, FYBBI Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  2. Interview with Urvashi Sharma, FYBBI Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  3. Interview with Sakina Gulamabbas Dhinojwala, FYBBI Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  4. Interview with Darpan Mukesh Kungwani, FYBBI Topper 2014, Jai Hind College

BFM Course:

  1. Interview with Angad Sahani, FYBFM CR, Jai Hind College
  2. Interview with Ishani Shah, FYBFM Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  3. Interview with Astha Juneja, FYBFM Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  4. Interview with Kunj Jain, FYBFM Topper 2014, Jai Hind College
  5. Interview with Astha Juneja, FYBFM CR, Jai Hind College

 I AM AN AUTHOR Writing Contest Entries:

  1. Can We Develop Our Indian Society And Make It A Better Place To Live In?
  2. Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You; Ask What You Can Do For Your Country
  3. Do You Think Good Manners Are A Waste Of Time In The Modern World?
  4. Using Resources, Capital & Information For Making A Better Planet
  5. Raghuram Rajan- Messiah of the Economy
  6. Mumbai- A City Which Never Sleeps
  7. If I Ran The World
  8. The Secret To Success!
  9. Margin Call
  10. The Girl In The Mirror
  11. My Idea Of Happiness
  12. My Opinion On How We Can Effectively Use Resources, Capital And Information For The Betterment Of The Society
  13. Life And Its Choices
  14. Being Enthusiastic After Being In The Same Business For Decades
  15. How To Effectively Use Resources
  16. What Would I Be Doing If I Had Got An Admission In BMS
  17. Why You Need To Be A Big Dreamer


Don’t miss to check Ms. Vanita’s detailed internship experience here:

What I Learned During My Social Media Internship Experience By Vanita Godwani

Internship Report:
Internship Certificate:

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