Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam


Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam :

Indian ethos emphasizes time and again to consider the whole world as one’s own family. It indicates the interrelation or bondage with all the people on this earth. It insists on unity. It can be described in the following manner:

“Common be your prayers

Common be your noble desires

Common be your hearts

Common be your motives and intentions

Perfect be the union amongst you.”

Here we can mention about the way Sachin Tendulkar looks at his relationship with Mark Mascarenhas of World Tel who was handling the sponsorship contracts of Sachin. As he says, “Mark was never just my agent, he become a part of my family.” If each individual can treat others in that manner, there would not be any clashes, team spirit would be generated at the micro-level (in the organizations) and also at the macro level (in the society). Cooperation and cooptation would be the guiding principles everywhere. Tough competition, survival of the fittest all these principles might be obsolete and there would be brethernhood and fellow-feeling among all the members of the society. As a result, life would be peaceful, blissful and harmonious.



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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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