Veer Savarkar’s Literary Contributions To India


  “Hindutva-vadi Savarkar.”


There cannot be a person in India who has not heard or read about, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.

Affiliation with the “Rashtriya Swayam-Sevak Sangha” was indeed since its foundation, Savarkar was a staunch promoter of Hinduism and this led to severe conflict with Gandhi (up to the extent that he was held equal culprit in latter’s massacre)

‘Hindutvva’ was a piece of work written during his house arrest in Ratnagiri, post imprisonment at Andaman, which portrayed various incidence of Hinduism been mother of all religions.

‘Kala pani” is a heartbreaking tale of suffering he had to undergo in the ‘kalapani’ imprisonment in Andaman jail. The hardship Indians were made to undergo is described in great detail.


‘Mazi janmathep’ is an autobiography describing the first half of sentence in Andaman. Post his and post his release in late 1940’s. The patriotism and love for motherland could be seen in this book.

During this time, he wrote the poem, ‘nee mazasi nee, parat matrubhumi la sagara pran talamala’ which is now studied in each and every school, as a respect to man who was ready to die for the country.

‘London chi Batami Patra’ was chronicles published in Marathi in London to facilitate a wide spread reading and spreading news of India to Indians residing in United Kingdom. This was followed by a court hearing for publishing anti-social elements in society in Court of Lords in London.


(The jump of century, how I can forget to mention that.) When been transferred to India from London, via France, he excused himself for loo and from tiny opening in the bathroom window jumped into the sea. All for sake of escaping and serving for countries benefit.

This incident bring tears in eyes of any Indian and hence for this contribution of Savarkar can never be forgotten in the course of India’s struggle for Independence. And he is still recognised and remembered in every speeches and rallies of politicians all over country. The fact that Vinayak Damodar Savarkar hails from Maharashtra is indeed a feeling of pride for us.


-Vibhav Galadagekar.

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