Vipin Saboo


An interview with Vipin Saboo, a BMS faculty of many colleges.

Name– Mr Vipin Saboo

College– Visiting faculty at Lords Universal college, Ghyanshyamdas Saraf College, M L Dhanukar College, N K College, Patkar College, Balbharti College, Dalmia College, KES College.

Tell us something about yourself
A BMS rank-holder and Masters in Business Management currently working for CRISIL Limited. Love to teach and interact with students and hence a visiting faculty at some institutes.

Tell us something about the colleges you visit as a visiting faculty
I am a visiting faculty at Lords Universal college, Ghyanshyamdas Saraf College, M L Dhanukar College, N K College, Patkar College, Balbharti College, Dalmia College, KES College teaching subjects like Financial
Management, Logistics and supply chain management, Econometrics, Operations Research/QMB 2 and Portfolio Management.

When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?
I joined teaching profession right after I finished my Masters in 2007. While I was a student, we did not use to get job experience which would enrich our knowledge. Since I started working in the financial industry, I thought may be some knowledge that I have gained (though not necessarily academics since the subjects I teach do not really match with my work profile) while my course of working in corporate and thus enabling students to tackle real life situations.

Which subjects do you teach?
I teach subjects like Financial Management, Logistics and supply chain management, Econometrics, Operations Research/QMB 2 and Portfolio Management.

What is your teaching philosophy?
My teaching philosophy is very straight forward- GET YOUR CONCEPTS RIGHT. Getting your theoretical concepts right at the initial ages would help students gain a better perspective about the subjects and would enable them to engage those concepts to real life situations. Also we all need to enjoy what ever we do. Teaching should be a fun for the teacher and the students because I believe that all of us are eventually students and try to gain as much new information as possible.

Do you believe in teaching should be full of ideas rather than stuffed with facts?
As mentioned above, the concept of teaching is to make the learner get acquainted about the concepts and hence enabling him to then come up with his own idea to handle/tackle various situations. Teaching should always aim to broaden the thought process of the learner.

Can a student from Arts/science background also do BMS?
A student from any background can take up BMS. However, he/she must have an inclination towards understanding how does organizations/business operate and work.

As a BMS faculty, what kind of projects do you expect bms students to work upon?
As a faculty, I would like to students to work on projects that would give them a chance to apply their concepts in real life hence enabling them to groom themselves into better managers for tomorrow.

People say BMS is 70 % of first year MBA. After BMS, is work experience important for MBA?
Well I would rather say that BMS would groom a student to then pursue his/her masters in a chosen field. However, a suitable work experience after BMS would enable a candidate to have a fresh perspective of the concepts he/she learnt in class and then be better prepared with real life situation while pursuing masters.

There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think BMS will become yet another Bcom?
Absolutely, till the time relevant topics with relevant real life examples are shared with students, the course would not add much value to students. Faculties with very strong conceptual knowledge and ability to link these conceptual facts with real world should be encouraged.

What should BMS education mean to a student?
Not just BMS education but any education should mean a learning ground for students. BMS offers a huge platform to students to learn which eventually as business managers they would have to follow day in and day out.

Do you think the course curriculum is at par with industry expectations?
The latest revised curriculum still needs to be revised and some
important concepts relating to Investment banking, Capital Market,
International Banking, International Marketing, Market Research needs
to be added/modified to suit the industry requirement. Global
businesses is dynamic, it changes every single moment. It provides a
lot of opportunity to a student to learn from what is happening
around. So a combination of appropriate theoretical concepts and
practical application in all subjects is very essential.

Who in your life has most influenced you?
Well, I have been most influenced by some of my faculties and friends. They have helped me evolve in a person what I am today. Also at times I also get influenced by many of my students who compel me to be on my toes to provide them quality education!

What are your professional/career goals?
To be in an influencing position to help the organization I work to achieve new heights.

Do alumni come back and tell you about life after bms?
Absolutely. Since I am in touch with most of my students, they constantly come up and share their experience with their learning and the application of the same.

A famous quote says “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes
itself to light the way for others”. What would you like to say on
I completely believe and am a strong follower of the same since it is the teacher who molds the career of the student in the initial and the most crucial phase of life. A good teacher is one who he himself is in reach of knowledge and hence passes this knowledge with his students.

Who would you call as the best student so far in your memory?
Well the best student is one who is dedicated to his career and does what he/she is expected to do. So there are a couple of students whom I have taught and am in the process of teaching whom I can call as “Best Student”.

One touching incident that happened with you in your teaching career?
There are many such those but the one I can vividly remember is of a
student by the name of Priyanka Sarkar who overcame all her personal
problems and came as a winner by surprise and not just excelled in
her academic career but her professional as well as her personal career.

What suggestions would you like to give to Mumbai university for amendments in the BMS course?

Well my only suggestion or to call it a humble request to Mumbai University would be to see that the BMS course is completely updated and revised as per industry standards and to see that colleges/institutions run and conduct the course in the way this course is meant to be conducted.

How do you find What help should it provide in future?
Well is a very good and effective medium to keep ourselves
abreast with the latest information about colleges, faculties,students, courses, etc.

What message would you like to give to the bms students?
My one and only message to every student is “ To gain as much knowledge as possible in the formative years so that the later years in the professional career goes well”.

Thank you so much for giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students.

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