Vipin Saboo Tutorials For TYBMS Sem 5 and Sem 6



How to prepare for Sem6- The VST Way!!

Now that sem 5 exams are over, the next big thing for any TYBMS student is how to begin with semester 6. As you would be aware, semester 6 being too short a time and with 7 papers of which 3 are numerical papers, its high time that you start from day one. A tutor would always come handy when you require help. Here are some of the key differentiation point of Vipin Saboo Tutorials  and a quick guide that you should look at to search for a tutor for TYBMS

  1. VST has been around for the last 8 years (one of the oldest institutes) and has a documented record of producing university toppers. Historically there has been a long list of students getting over 95 in OR, IF and IAMP at VST. Also most of the university toppers are from VST.
  2. VST only has college toppers from various colleges which provides a competitive and a healthy studying environment
  3. VST is run by Vipin Sir who has himself been a TYBMS University topper of 2005 batch and has been a faculty at University level for over 20 colleges now and hence is completely well versed with the exact syllabus and teaching methodology
  4. At VST the student is not just encouraged to score marks in the papers that a student has enrolled at VST, here students are encouraged to score marks in all the papers hence lifting their  over all scores. For this separate guidance lectures for other theory subjects, doubt solving and prelim papers are conducted for other papers without any additional fees.
  5. At VST SEM 6 begins in Nov ensuring that students get enough time to practise and do justice with their syllabus.
  6. VST is the only class where a 24X7 support is provided to students by Vipin Sir himself.
  7. VST is the only class where prelims and doubt solving sessions of other subjects are also encouraged for additional practice.

So do not think much; fix up an appointment with Vipin Sir on 9820779873 asap to get into the league of university toppers. Class premise at Malad east and Private batches at Bandra.

Vipin Saboo Tutorials is promoted by Prof. Vipin Saboo (BMS-Rank holder, PGDBM, M Com). Vipin Sir is an author of 2 text books for TYBMS-Sem 5 (Logistics and Supply chain Management and Business Ethics). He is also an examiner and moderator at Mumbai University for Sem 5 and Sem 6 papers. Vipin Sir is a visiting faculty with over 20 colleges in Mumbai for TYBMS.

Book covers

Coaching provided for the following Subjects:

  • Financial Management
  • Logistics and Supply chain management
  • Special Studies in Finance
TYBMS- Sem 6
  • Operations Research
  • International Finance
  • Investment analysis and portfolio management
  • Econometrics


Key highlights of Vipin Saboo Tutorials

  • Sem 5 results 2013- almost 100 percent result while the university result was only around 40%. University topper of FM and Logistics from Vipin Saboo Tutorials

  • Sem 6 results 2014- 100% result with university topper of OR (98), International Finance (97), Portfolio (98) and Econometrics (98) from Vipin Saboo Tutorials

  • College toppers of TYBMS Sem 5 and Sem 6 2014 from Raheja College, Dalmia College, Saraf College, Mithibai college and Thakur College are students of Vipin Saboo Tutorials

  • Vipin Sir has coached more than 800 students in the past 7 years with close to 100% success rate, a passing percent that no coaching institute could beat.
  • University toppers in subjects like Financial Management, Logistics, Special studies in Finance, International Finance, Operations research, IAPM, Econometrics over the last 6 years have been our students.
  • Highest ever marks scored in Mumbai university in the above subjects have been scored by our students
  • Small batches of around 20-25 students to suit flexible college timings. Batches opposite Malad east station.
  • Additional guidance for project work and presentation
  • Guidance for other subjects
  • Regular test series
  • Repeat missed lectures.

Unique teaching methodology concentrating on concept clarity than formula and format

Don’t miss to check : 12 Reasons Why You Should Only Join Vipin Saboo Tutorials (VST)

How To Prepare Yourself For TYBMS Sem 5 – By Vipin Saboo Tutorials

2015-16 TYBMS Students of Vipin Saboo Tutorials:

  1. VST Diaries: The Story of Raj Vyas, TYBMS Student of K.E.S. Shroff College
  2. VST Diaries: The Story of Radhika Thokal, TYBMS Student of Saraf College
  3. VST Diaries: The Story of Malini Varma, TYBMS Student of Saraf College
  4. VST Diaries: The Story of Chetna Manoj Singh, TYBMS Student of Saraf College
  5. VST Diaries: The Story of Yash Bohra, TYBMS Student of Saraf College
  6. VST Diaries: The Story of Nimisha Chadha, TYBMS Student of Ghanshyamdas Saraf College
  7. VST Diaries: The Story of Kiran M. Pathak, TYBMS Student of DTSS College

For further information please call Vipin Saboo on 9820779873



  • He has a very straight and simple approach to academics. His teaching style is very effective, a healthy balance of fun, interaction & discipline whenever necessary. His notes were always helpful, being precise and clear, they were something I could count on. His classes were a major help in enabling me to focus and improve in studies. I doubt if I would have been able to score the way I did had it not been for his guidance and help. The best part about him as a teacher was that he was always willing to solve all our doubts, no matter how trivial or repetitive they would be. His habit of encouraging us constantly to speak forth the difficulties we were having is something that is extremely important to enable students to learn and grow. Another great thing about him is that he is well versed in every subject and had helped many of us in every scope of our academic path, whether it be studies, projects, presentations, etc.- Avinash Poojari, Patkar College
  • I owe my university rank to Vipin Sir. He is by far the only faculty to teach difficult concepts of numerical papers at such an ease and make them remember every bit without even remembering the formulas- Sneha Kothari, Thakur college, University topper
  • Words are very few to describe the efforts that sir takes in teaching each student. Also his each of approachability is an added advantage to his students who can reach out to him 24×7- Sanjana Ail, Saraf College- Rank holder
  • Saboo Sir’s approach in teaching difficult stuff with the most simple concepts is amazing and helped me top the university in the FM and SSF- Gilbert Ongole- University topper


 2014-15 Toppers of Vipin Saboo Tutorials:

  1. Interview with Aseema Salim Saleh, TYBMS Sem V Topper 2014-15, Ghanshyamdas Saraf College
  2. Interview with Divya Mehta, TYBMS Sem V Topper 2014-15 (2nd Rankholder), Ghanshyamdas Saraf College
  3. Interview with Arzoo Kothari, TYBMS Sem V Topper 2014-15 (3rd Rankholder), Ghanshyamdas Saraf College
  4. Interview with Shweta Chaubey, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2014-15 (2nd Rankholder), Thakur College


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  1. I have recently joined Vipin saboo Tutorials ..and I think he has a great teaching skills..being a science student I m not so good at finance or accounts .he has made them so easy to understand.. I m glad that I am at the right place..before my sem 5 begins.. Thank you sir

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