Virtuality : Far Away from Reality


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Internet is one of the best products for mankind. It has opened new avenues for people to communicate. Social media has given every individual a virtual identity. These identities help people project their personality on a social platform. However social media has put everyone in a frenzy and people are hooked on to it like there is no tomorrow. Social media is used for various purposes and somewhere the interface has identified the demands of the user base and keeps fulfilling them.

Sites like Orkut, Facebook, etc have given the individuals a chance to develop their online profiles the way they want to. This has led to virtual identities. Since the advent of such sites many individuals find what they term as online friends which at times maybe genuine nice people but may also turn out to be otherwise. Many exploit this opportunity by dawning masks as no one can uncover them online. These people take undue advantage of situations and dupe and cheat people.

However most of the times we also see virtual identities being projected differently from one’s own being. The person maybe very timid and shy in real but his online profile may be very strong and interactive as that person may be low on confidence in face to face conversations but very good at virtual conversations. We all have certain issues and always try to hide them from others. Many people also believe in showcasing the highs of life and hiding the lows or bitter truths as we are uncomfortable with it. While there are also people who use these social mediums to vomit out their emotions like anger, sadness, depression, etc.

There are also those facing the obsessive compulsive disorder of updating each and every event of their life on an online portal. Right from the food they like to the movie they are watching, songs they are listening, shopping, trip with family or friends, etc. They practically have a virtual being of themselves. Sometimes we find great people online and also easily stay connected with our friends. But we should be careful from those whose virtual profiles are far away from their real personas. These people live a life of pretence and are too insecure to ever showcase the truth.



–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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