VITEE April 2014 Exam dates, Paper Pattern and Syllabus



Vellore Institute of Technology has scheduled VITEE 2014 from 9th April to 20th April 2014.

Important dates:

  • Blocking slots: March 14 to March 19
  • VITEEE 2014: April 9 to April 20
  • Declaration of results (Tentative): April 28

Paper pattern:

The VITEEE is a computer based test that needs to be solved within a duration of two hours and 30 minutes. The exam consisting of objective type multiple choice questions is bifurcated into three parts:
Part I: Physics
Part II: Chemistry
Part III: Mathematics/ Biology

Each part contains 40 questions for one mark each. No negative marking is applicable on a wrong answer.

Part I Physics: Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Effects of Electric Current, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Optics, Atomic Physics, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Nuclear Physics, Semiconductor Devices and their Applications

Part II Chemistry: Atomic Structure, p,d and f – Block Elements, Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Isomerism in Organic Compounds, Alcohols and Ethers, Carbonyl Compounds, Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives, Organic Nitrogen Compounds, Biomolecules

Part III Mathematics: Applications of Matrices and Determinants, Complex Numbers, Analytical Geometry of two Dimensions, Vector Algebra, Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and its Applications, Differential Equations, Probability Distributions, Discrete Mathematics,
Part III Biology: Taxonomy, Evolution, Cell and Molecular Biology, Reproduction, Genetics, Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry, Physiology: Plant and Human, Biotechnology and its Applications, Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment, Applied Biology and Human Welfare


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