Waffle Iron Day 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


Waffle Iron Day is celebrated on 29 June 2014 in the world. It is an important celebration for all breakfast lovers. Waffle irons originated in Belgium during 14th century.

Here we present Waffle Iron Day 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


Waffle lovers finally have their day of recognition on June 29, which celebrates National Waffle Iron Day!  Some people enjoy their waffles plain with syrup, but we like ours topped with berries, whipped cream, and syrup! Yum!!!  Who knew a simple machine would make such a big impact on our lives!


Waffle Iron Day is a great opportunity to head out and get yourself a new waffle iron. There are a ton of options available these days, even novelty ones shaped as everything from Mickey Mouse to the state of Texas. You can get particularly creative and make an entire menu from waffles, spanning from breakfast to dinner, and everything in between. Waffle-cone ice-cream, breakfast waffles loaded with whipped cream and berries, the always popular chicken and waffles for dinner, and snacks the day through served on specially seasoned savory waffles!


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