Wandering Gujarat



From last few months Gujarat has been the state to talk about in India. From Politicians to Journalists to ‘Chaiwaalas’ all are talking about Gujarat. Since our newly appointed Prime Minister comes from this state, it has made it a center of attention. So let’s have a look at the Gujarat.

Gujarat is a state which is increasing rapidly in the modern world. It is trying to reach the global level.  It is a state where you have big industries, malls, buildings, roadways, markets, connectivity etc. But it also has its rich cultural heritage. It also has Art, Music, Dance, Architecture, Festivals, etc. Gujarat has a blend of modern and traditional India. It is a state which has given us leaders like Mahatma Gandhi.

In the north there is the Rann (Desert) of Kutch while there are hilly areas and mountains and forests in the south. It also holds a religious value for Hindus, Jains, Parsis, and Muslims. The Somnaath Temple, Ambaji, Akshardhaam are popular pilgrimage of Hindus, while Shatrunjaya and Girnar are the most important pilgrimages of Jains. Zoroastrians visit Udvada town which has the fire temple and different museums. Jama Masjid is a very popular mosque and has a history dated back from 1424.

When you talk about Gujarat you just cannot forget about the food. It is a state well known for its cuisine. Gujarati cuisine is popular everywhere like Khaman, Dhokla, Patra, Undhiyu etc. It has got festivals which are celebrated all over India like Navratri, Sankranti.

Gujaratis are known as entrepreneurs and businessmen. It is said that ‘Business is in the veins of a gujarati’. Gujarat has got many massive industries and markets. Gujarat is a rapidly growing state and cities like Ahmedabad are major cities in India.

Overall Gujarat is a state which has everything and it is an experience which will remain in the hearts of the one who wanders.

–         Jainam Jhaveri

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