Wanna Click A Selfie? Insightful Tips To Make Your Selfie Stand Out


perfect selfie

Taking a selfie is the most common thing nowadays; it makes a person feel confident and pretty about themselves. If you take a quiet look around, you will see that every second person is pouting and taking a selfie. Everyone is a master of their own, you may not need tips to click a perfect selfie, but if you do not know how to go about, here are few things you should keep in mind to enhance and click great selfies.

  • See for proper light and angle

Proper light is essential for any kind of photography. Selfies too require proper lights, if you try and take selfie in a place with dim light it will not be the way you want it. Natural light is needed as there is no flash light is our front camera. So you can click a selfie near the windows at home or outdoors. While clicking a picture the angle also plays an important role, so see for proper angles by holding the phone in various directions.

  • Experiment with poses

It is commonly seen that people click selfies with their lips pouting like a duck and one eye closed as though winking or bending their head on one side etc. It is boring if you will keep clicking same kind of selfies all the time and similar to those clicked by others, it would be interesting if you can come up with your own poses to standout different from others.

perfect selfie

  • Show something new

Highlight something new in every selfie to make it look different like you can change the way you keep your hair, smile differently, look in different directions, wear some accessories etc, anything that can make it look different. Nowadays phones have come up with different effects to add effects to pictures, so you can even make use of that.

  • Random click

Beauty lies in simplicity, try a random click with natural look, do not try and over dress yourself with excess make up as it may look bad, keep it simple. Sometimes random clicks are better than those prepared.

  • Back camera

Instead of using the camera in the front of your phone use the one at the back, as it comes along with the flash light you can get a better selfie or you can also click a pick using the mirror to get pic of your whole body.

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Daisy Pais


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