Wanna get help for Projects, Assignments and Presentations?


Hey BMS friends!

Confused with what topic to select in making a 200 Marks project?

The fun of project downloading and uploading gets easier now…..at Management Paradise.

Now easily upload your projects in the New Projects in few minutes.

The “Project” section which is visible besides the Forums section is the place of Interaction for the Projects

MP Provides the platform to upload and share documents with the world.

The section is smartly planned with relevant number of categories thus targeting & personalizing your search.

You are also exposed to your friend’s projects as well as the featured ones.

You can view projects those are most viewed, recently updated and most commented.

A brief description of the same can help you get idea of What is the Content of the Project and all relevant details that’s user friendly.

Get Speed.. in getting your project done in couple of minutes.

Now no more wasting time on Google searching for projects, making analysis of the content whether relevant or Not..

Why to Worry When We Have The Best Option !

Download and Upload Project Reports, Research Reports, Lecture Notes, Document Papers, and Presentations on ManagementParadise.com

Just you have to register on Managementparadise.com refer Tutorial to Register on Managementparadise.com


There is a quick assignment given by your Subject faculty? or You wanna complete your PPT to be shown in a week’s time.


Here is an answer to 38 Subjects Assignments/PPTs/Projects —

Below you will find a list of discussions in the Projects HUB for Management Students BMS Projects / BBA Projects forums at the ManagementParadise.com – Your MBA Online Degree Program and Management Students Forum for MBA,BMS, MMS, BMM, BBA, students & aspirants.. The Projects HUB for Management Students BMS Projects / BBA Projects forum Projects Section for Management Students.

Click on the link  — Project Hub for BMS Projects

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  1. hi,, this is trupti dharia from mumbai class s.y.bms (appeared for sem 1V) may i get some info. abt the 2oo marks projects or the topics i can select for it

  2. hi. Bms site. I want to prepare project on production. What to include in that. & suggest me some production related company. Me interested in textiles company