Wanna Have Some Coffee? 7 Popular Types That Will Convince You To Drink More Coffee


You practically start your day and any major work by in taking at least one cup of coffee. Yes! Even though we don’t realize this we are some way or the other addicted to this thing and have that myth that we cannot concentrate without having a cup. It has both pros and cons like everything on this planet. It refreshes us but at the same time we are getting addicted to this. But even though its side effects are quite known, it still manages to be one of the most loved beverages around the world. But did you know there are many types of coffees depending upon where you come from. So let’s check some of the famous types served here in India.

filter coffee

1) Filter Coffee

Popular mostly in the southern states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala; this drink is quite popular in India. It is practically coffee made with frothed and boiled milk mixing it with brewed finely grounded coffee powder in a typical Indian filter. It is also known as Kappi.


2) Cappuccino-

An Italian coffee drink, traditionally prepared with mostly espresso, hot milk and stem milk foam. The word ‘Cappuccino‘ comes from Latin Caputium, later borrowed from German and modified into ‘kapuziner’. It is the abbreviated form of cappuccio in Italian, meaning ‘hood’ or something that covers the head.

Café Latte

3) Café Latte-

An Italian drink made with espresso and hot milk. The word latte is the English short version of “caffellatte” which means milk coffee. In Italy, caffelatte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only. The coffee is brewed with a stove top Moka pot and poured into a cup containing heated milk.

Coffee Frappe

4) Coffee Frappe-

This is a cold espresso and popularly ordered in some cafes in Europe and Latin America during summer months. It is easily made and is a really delicious blend of milk and coffee beans. It is best served in cold.

Café Mocha

5) Café Mocha-

Caffe Mocha or Mocaccino is an extended and chocolate flavoured version of café latte. It has the same recipe like café latte but the difference is that it also contains cocoa usually in the form of powder or syrup. It is famous among ladies after dinner.


6) Espresso-

This drink is generally thicker than coffee brewed in other ways. This is made by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely grounded coffee beans. It has crème on top and higher concentration of dissolved solids. This drink is very concentrated than other drinks.

Black Coffee

7) Black Coffee-

This is the most typical form of coffee sans milk. It usually contains coffee Arabica and robusta beans giving it a bitter taste. One must definitely try it once.

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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.