Wanna know which college gets the ‘Best College of The Year 2012-13 Award’?


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On 26th January 2014 (Republic Day), Mumbai University awarded Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil (KBP) College, Vashi as the BEST COLLEGE in urban category for the academic year 2012-13.

The BEST COLLEGE Award was given on the basis of performance in all aspects of education which KPB College had progressed and acquired a status as one of the most prominent colleges in Navi Mumbai. The award constituted Rs. 25,000 with a memento and certificate.

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College is located in Vashi, Sector 15 A, Juhunagar, Navi Mumbai. KPB College, an ISO 9001-2008 certified institute was accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade (CGPA 3.28) in 2011 . The college organizes many national-level conferences and seminars every year. The college flaunts superb infrastructure, well-equipped laboratories, advanced instrumentation and library facilities.


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