Wanna see Angry Birds of Google Chrome in real?


Come, Angry Birds of the GOOGLE CHROME in real? Has anyone imagined what it can be? The dawn of 10th January 2013 post a wonderful start at Ovals ground had something to say about it. Come day 2 of Shikhar 2013 .The games for the day were Ring Football, Box Cricket, Volleyball, Tug of War, etc. Apart from outdoor games there were indoor games like Cyber Games, Snakes and Ladders, Bollywood Tamasha, Angry Birds, etc. Talking about angry birds, the set-up of the whole thing in a classroom was just amazing. As we all know, Angry Birds is a game where the player has to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playing field.

angry birds live setup

Here, the pigs which were to be destroyed were made by using ply, green velvet paper for the effect of the grass, different shaped empty boxes covered by different chart papers, different colored small balls etc., and the pigs that were stationed were made by placing a table upside down, using thick rubber bands to attach a thick cloth filled with sponge and balls of course for destroying the other pigs.

Other than this, the class was decorated with lights on corners and edges of the class, there were posters everywhere, and in the third round of the game were neon lights too. This showed the creativity of the students.

Coming to rules of the game, the scores would be given like:

  • Triangular boxes, cylindrical boxes, other boxes, pigs (the plastic balls) and remaining birds with the scores of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 points respectively.
  • Player should atleast make a score of 100 to cross the 1st level, 200 for the second and 100 for the third.

The unfortunate part of it was there were not that many entries as expected.

There were students of K.B.C College, Jhunjhunwala College, H.R College, Chetana PG, Narayan Guru and MMK College with scores like 40, 50, 245, 335, 500, 515, 585, 685, etc.

The responses of the players were all on a very positive side . Everybody just loved the concept and enjoyed the game to the core. Volunteers were still happy as they all were enjoying with the participants and each and every person appreciating the efforts. “Yes, we have a lot of hopes for tomorrow and we will work harder next time for a better footfall”. These were the words of an organizer of the game. The organizers were satisfied and that was big achievement for them. We really hope they have their expected entries on the last day of the event.


Report Saina Balasubramanian

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Shikhar 2013

​Chetana’s Self Financing Courses has established itself as a center for grooming dynamic leaders and ingenious managers. It aims to encourage the students to aspire for higher achievement. Shikhar’13 is entering into its 11th year and has laid down the foundation for an array of activities to be organised in our institution. The students of Chetana’s Self-Financing Courses are proud to present you their prestigious INTER COLLEGIATE FESTS, SHIKHAR’13 is an intercollegiate sports and cultural event organised exclusively for the students of self financing courses all over Mumbai. SHIKHAR’13 promises to be bigger and grand in terms of exposure to the youth. In terms of participation the event promises to bring together hundreds of students from various under graduate colleges, across Mumbai.