Wanna study BMS from DU?


The admission process for Delhi University’s new management course Bachelor with Honours in Management Studies (BMS) has started from 21st May 2013.

The course is being offered under the university’s new four-year undergraduate programme. Colleges such as Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies and Keshav Mahavidyalaya will offer the course. A complete list will be out soon.

The last date for submitting the online application is June 10.

Admission will be through a two-hour-long common entrance test on June 26. Based on the performance in the exam, students will be called for a personal interview. The final score will be based on overall performance in the entrance exam (50%), class 12 results (30%) and interview (20%).

Eligibility criterion for general category students is a minimum of 60% in best of four subjects, including English. For students under OBC and SC/ST categories, it will be 54% and 50%, respectively.


Based on the scores, students will be assigned a rank in each category and allotted a college during counselling.


Source: HT

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