Want Something Out Of The Box? Buy The Moto X Bamboo Edition



Call it natural looking or something out of the box or uniquely designed phone, as many adjectives as one wants. Motorola has officially launched the Moto X Bamboo edition in India, launched in the month of March this year, followed by walnut and wood finish.

Moto X has three variants –

1)      Walnut and Wood finish

2)      Walnut and Teak finish, and

3)      Bamboo edition

The Bamboo finished phone is highly priced at INR 25,999 and the other variants which include the walnut and teak finish is priced at INR 24,999, price cut of INR 1,000 due to the new launch.

The Moto X bamboo edition phone is available only for a shorter period in India s it is a limited edition mobile phone. It was first launched in the US in December 2013. It has no high-end or amazing features; Motorola has tried to keep it simple. The device has interesting features which enable the user to use the phone even without touching the device.

Moto X features and Specifications:

  • 4.7-inch HD Display
  • 1.7GHz Dual Core Snapdragon Processor
  • 10-MP rear and 2-MP front camera
  • Android KitKat
  • 2GB RAM, 16GB ROM
  • 2,200mAH battery
  • Active Display
  • Touchless controls


– By Anand Thakkar


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