Want To Win Clients in The First Week of Your Business? Here Are The 3 Tips


business clients

Starting a business with a mentality ” If we build, they will come” can prove to be destructive. All the aspiring entrepreneurs kindly remove this thought from your mind NOW! Expecting people lined up outside knocking your door just because you have launched a creative and useful product will prove to be disappointing for you. Getting first few clients on board will be a critical part of your startup phase. However, the following strategies you can use to win them in first few weeks itself:

1- Boost your confidence.


Hesitation in talking about your own business has no place in entrepreneurship. Many people delay to go “all in at first.” What if people have a better product? What if nobody wants to buy my service?  What will their reception be in the marketplace? are several questions that occupy their minds. The more you talk about your company in the first week the more clients or customers are likely to come on board. Talking does not necessarily mean in person. Creating content prior to your launch is a good way of communicating to the mass. The first thing people are going to do is to Google you. So make sure they get what YOU want to show them about the startup.

2- Network Strategically.

network strategy

Start looking for clients even before launching your product. Waiting until the product gets ready isn’t an effective way to get clients work with you. You fix deals or make a prospective client by your talking skills, as your product alone won’t be able to talk. Place strategies for broadening your network and talk to every person who you think can bring a client for business.

3- Don’t be afraid to make a cold call.

happy cold calling

Always try to reach and cover most of your market right from start. Starting with cold calling isn’t a bad idea. Cold calling is soliciting customers who were not expecting to speak to you. the term ‘cold’ means you have not laid any groundwork for you call. Let that motivation for success kick in and start with cold calling now 🙂

Starting a business takes a whole of you as there are many things which seem to be difficult as a spectator- pitching for investors, building a team, getting genuine clients on board, trusted customers, etc. However, once you step in the shoes of entrepreneur your thinking and approach will change from a normal 9-to-5 people. Use this as an advantage to solve any problem in your way, in this case- winning clients on the first week of your startup ! 🙂

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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