Want total privacy? Install the new “Between” app



Relationships have doubts, lack of commitment for each other and much more. Not going much deeper in this, coming back to the app – “Between”. This app is a tight and enclosed app for just two people, to be specific – Couples!

This app can be tagged as a safe app wherein there is no unwanted interference of the outer world and other people from the social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and others. This app enables the users to specify all the shares in between two of them, unwanted attention from friends, family, colleagues can be totally ignored and that’s fabulous. Isn’t it?

Created by Seoul-based startup Value Creators & Company, “Between” hit 5 million downloads in two years. About two thirds of the users are in South Korea with their average age in the mid-20s. Between has attracted more than half a million users in Japan and is expanding in Thailand and Singapore. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese and American couples have also joined.

 Working of “Between” –

Between runs on iOS and Android Install the app and provide the app with the mobile number of the person you want to use the app with on your Apple of Android smartphone. The other end user must accept the request in order to continue the procedure of launching the app.

Once the request is accepted, the two can use instant messaging, keep journals, exchange voice messages, post pictures and leave comments. Between also offers a blog-like space where the two users can create photo albums and long notes. Pictures can be tagged to a “Memory Box,” which arranges them in a stream of tiles. Reminders for anniversaries, birthdays or any special days such as the day the couple first met can be set in the app’s calendar. The content created is private to the two users and the app can be password protected.


– By Anand Thakkar


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