Want Your Shinning White Teeths Back? Try These Home Remedies


Article 19

Many people nowadays avoid smiling much or saying cheese in front of the camera while posing and the reason behind this is mostly yellow teeth which one hides and doesn’t want others to notice. And yes if by chance our teeth become visible and come into the picture it becomes no less than a big embarrassment. Yes such teeth are quite embarrassing especially if one is carrying himself/herself very neatly. The reason behind those yellow teeth can be many which include eating sweet food, excessive consumption of tea or coffee, smoking or having tobacco or even due to aging.

So if you your bright shining teeth back here are few home remedies which you can try

1) Basil

Basil is one important herb which will help in getting the whiteness on your teeth back removing the yellow stains. Basil is herb which is generally used for oral care not only gives your teeth the much needed sparkling but also plays the role of protecting your gums. It’s even mentioned in Ayurveda, the usage of Basil for oral care.

2) Carrots

Have you seen bugs bunny always eating carrots and did you notice the most important thing he’s teeth are always shinning like bright stars? Carrots are considered as one of the remedies that could keep away the yellow stains from your teeth. If you eat raw carrots it will be very effective in removing the yellow stains off from your teeth by cleaning out the plaque that gets accumulated and therefore carrots are even called as natural cleaner. Moreover carrots are even known to kill bacteria by maintaining the acid-alkaline balance of your mouth.

3) Strawberries

Who doesn’t like eating strawberries and when it comes to eating strawberries one eat boxes full of strawberries. And you will be happier to know that your favourite fruit contains a rich source of enzyme known as malic acid which is found in many-to-day types of toothpaste. Also the fibre inside the strawberries acts as natural cleaner and helps remove bacteria, specifically from mouth and teeth. So start having strawberries more than before.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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