Wardrobe Essentials For Winters



In winter season we tend to use all the long sleeved shirts, t-shirts, sweaters etc. We don’t have much choice rather than covering up ourselves due to cold weather. Today  I will be sharing with you some must-haves for your closet for winter season which will make you much more fashionable.


One cannot go wrong with sweaters, they are basic for winter. But they are very boring to wear over everything. Sometime due to thickness they look a bit bulky and not so good. There is a way you must look out for sweaters while buying.  Try to look out for sweaters which fit you perfectly or maybe a size bigger than usual. This will help you to look better than bulky and will help you with the layering. Go for colors like: Burgundy, wine, Dark purple, mustard, Military Green, Bottle green, Black, Taupe, Dark grey. Go for Dark shades.


Leather Jeans

Now leather Jeans are something you can wear them only in winters. They look really nice and are really warm. They are available in many shops during winters. One can go with any look they want with these jeans. From chic to elegant, I recommend two colors: Black and Burgundy.


Trench Coat

Winters for me is all about Coats. They look so classy and chic. One cannot go wrong with them. They are the must-haves for winters. Trench Coats range from really long length to short. This season there is a trend of wearing long trench coats. But I prefer Mid-length trench coats as they are much more versatile to wear. I recommend colors: Beige, White, Military-Green for basic. And if you want it to look more stylish then colors like: Red, Royal Blue, Leaf – Green, Yellow and Orange.


Knit wear Dress:

These are not new, but they are in trend. There are times when you get bored of wearing jeans and want to wear something else, but due to winter you have less options. Knitted dresses are the ones which you can wear on those days. They are really warm and comfortable. Wear them with coloured stocking if you want and wear and scarf to dress them up. And you are done.



Beanie is one of my favorite accessory for winters. They look cute and chic and changes the entire look of the outfit. I recommend colors like Black, White and Grey for basics. You can wear any colors you want.


Huge knitted scarf

Huge knitted scarf is a new trend again. Wear a normal outfit, plain and simple and dress it up with huge knitted scarf. Use contrast colors if possible as it will look even more good and eye-catching.



Boots are one footwear style that I love. Boots are very versatile. Easy to dress them and wear them. Goes on almost all outfits and are go to. There are types of boots ranging from ankle length to knee high. You can choose as you are comfortable. Ankle length shoes can be worn with jeans, shorts and dresses. If you want to wear them on shorts or on dresses wear them with knee high socks.





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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