Was Manmohansingh A bad Administrator ?



Administrator’s job is to make sure that things are run as per rules (defined usually by someone else) by creating structures and processes around them. They have to be strict about rules and do not allow deviations so that standards are met. Someone who is ready to improvise, willing to make things better and own the responsibilities of actions.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had said at his final press conference earlier this year that history will be kinder to him.

Singh, the economist credited with playing a key role in ushering in economic reforms in the 1990s, demits office after 10 years, leaving a mixed legacy of achievements and failures.

Singh’s non-political background was a major handicap in this context.

Prime Minister Singh was himself the coal minister for about three-and-a-half years. The coal scam is not just an ordinary corruption story.

He was literally a Prime Minister announced by Sonia ji. He had to function within that limitation.

The fact that his government lost so badly reflects dismally on his ten-year term in office. Judging by the overwhelmingly negative media coverage on Singh and his government — both during his term and the election campaign — the government under Singh’s tenure must have been seen by many as a corrupt and inefficient one.

PM has always been criticized for being an inadequate politician.

Conclusion :Manmohan Singh was a good man but, unfortunately, he was the head of a bad government. He allowed the demeaning of his own office, he failed to stop the country from being looted by his ministers, and was also responsible for policy paralysis.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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