Watch Alia Bhatt’s Hilarious Response To Internet Jokes On Her Intelligence


Alia Bhatt had become a target of jokes on social media about her general knowledge after the Bollywood newbie confused the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Pritvi Raj Chauhan with the President of India at Karan Johar’s show Koffee with Karan in December last year.


The daughter of Mahesh Bhatt was then mocked for her IQ on the internet. But she did not take it as an insult. 

Earlier this year, she reportedly commented on the incident and its consequences, saying she was unaffected by the jokes:

 I don’t get upset at it, I laugh at it. I am the first person to laugh at myself. I always say that I rather be stupid than pretend to be intelligent… Basically there are these Twitter and Facebook jokes on me, because I am apparently stupid. They are very hilarious.

 After all the jokes that spread like wildfire, the 21-year-old actress has bravely shot a video to give it back to the everyone who laughed at her lack of general knowledge. As if that wasn’t a perfect enough response, Bhatt just starred as herself in a hilarious mockumentary recounting her fictional attempts to become more intelligent in the days following the incident.


The video  begins with a message that reads – “In 2014, a documentary crew follows Alia Bhatt in the aftermath of her ‘Koffee With Karan’ debacle”. 

She then visits ‘Dumb Belle Mental Gym’, which helps her brushing up her knowledge and intelligence. At the ‘gym’, she reads newspapers and her diet is “three portions of newspapers in the morning” and she is instructed to “skip Page 3. After training she lands in the show “Koffee with Karan” again  and stuns host Karan with her answers.




-Vatsal Doshi

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