Watch Sachin Tendulkar’s ‘Playing It My Way’ Book Launch Party


Playing It My Way

Sachin Tendulkar officially released his book “Playing It My Way” last week in Mumbai which is his autobiography and reveals his career and life journey.

Here are the top 5 quotes from the book that you will surely love to read again and again:

1)”No one from the BCCI managed to call me or inform me of my removal as captain before someone from the media called to say I was no longer captain. I felt extremely humiliated to hear this.”

2.)”I told myself that the BCCI mandarins might be able to take the captaincy away from me, but no one could do the same as far as my own cricket was concerned.”

3)”I want to state very clearly that the (Monkey Gate) incident arose because Andrew Symonds had been continually trying to provoke Bhajji (Harbhajan Singh) and it was inevitable that the two would have an altercation at some point.”

4)”I still believe that the (Monkey Gate) matter would not have been blown so out of proportion if (Ricky) Ponting had discussed it with the captain Anil Kumble, Harbhajan and the Indian team management before reporting the incident to Mike Procter, the match referee.”

5)”Kapil Dev’s method (as India coach) of involvement and his thought process was limited to leaving the running of the team to the captain, and hence he did not involve himself in strategic discussions that would help us on the field.”


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