Watch The Mindblowing Official Video of ‘AeroMobil 3.0’




Video description:
The current flying car prototype AeroMobil 3.0 incorporates significant improvements and upgrades. It is now being tested in real flight conditions since October 2014. Initially certified by the Slovak Federation of Ultra-Light Flying, it now entered a regular flight-testing program.

The AeroMobil 3.0 prototype is very close to the final product. It is predominantly built from the same materials as the final product, such as advanced composite materials for the body shell, wings, and wheels. It also contains all the main features that will be incorporated into the final product, such as avionics equipment, autopilot and an advanced parachute deployment system.


Credits AeroMobil 3.0 video

Produced by Protos Productions
Director: Jonáš Karásek
DOP: Tomáš Juríček
Producer: Michal Hlavačka
2nd DOP: Peter Bencsik, Ivo Miko
Editor: Michal Kondrla
Music: Michal Novinski

Camera equipment: Reproduction
Lighting crew: Shining
Grip: RSR, Majo Tardík, Palo Bachňa
Aerial photography: SkyEye
Production crew: Michal Torma, Samuel Vojtek Marek Tóth
Online postproduction: Ekran, Peter Koštál, Paľo Durák
Sound mix: Soundline
Making of: Juraj Valica, Juraj Ondáš, Lukáš Terén

Credits AeroMobil Photography

Photographer: Miro Minarovych
Photographer: Róbert Kňažko

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