Watch the Official Theatrical Trailer of 3 A.M. Starring Rannvijay Singh, Salil Acharya, Kavin Dave & Anindita Nayar


Directed by Vishal Mahadkar, 3 AM stars Rannvijay Singh and Anindita Nayar and revolves around three friends, who set out to make a reality show on the existence of ghosts in the world.

Their journey begins with the abandoned Rudra Mills, an allegedly haunted place where many paranormal activities have been reported. Though the shoot starts off on an easy note, as darkness begins to fall, the trio realizes that they might have bitten off more than they could chew.

What begins is a chill fare with the three friends being hunted by an unknown ghostly entity. Will the trio survive?

3.A.M (2014) Official Theatrical Trailer Video HD & Mp4 HD Free Download



By Bhavika M

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