We all know that Anil Kapoor gained international recognition after the super-successful movie Slumdog Millionaire. Even at the age of 57, he delivers an energetic performance for any role he is given to enact to. Globally, Anil Kapoor is a renowned Indian actor who has worked for more than 35 years in the Indian film industry. Anil Kapoor’s performance in the 8th season of the action series 24 generated rave reviews from the American press.
But sometimes when someone is so multi-talented, there is a shortcoming which everyone loves to dig and make fun of. And that is nothing other than British style of speech which fails to work for Anil Kapoor. An IT guy had created an hilarious compilation of all Anil Kapoor’s accent gaffles from the American show “24” and we bet after watching this, you will be proud of your “CONTRAY” :p